One of the biggest things that I have noticed over these past few years with my experience with cancer, is the lack of knowledge other people have not only about our diseases, but also about the debilitating side effects and lifetime changes. Money is the biggest concern for people with cancer and their families. Because I am a huge advocate for not only myself but other cancer survivors, I have a strong belief in not only educating others about what we experience but also making sure that survivors get the information, resources and help that they need. The biggest unavailable assistance that most survivors and their families need is MONEY! I cannot begin to even tell you how many costs are involved for cancer survivors and their families. It's more than treatments, prescriptions, and other special procedures.
* It's the lack of money to pay for transportation to and from doctor's appointments and the fact that so many non-profits are reducing the amount of money that goes to survivors for this is scary and leaves survivors & their families unsure of how they can make it. It's the lack of volunteers available to drive patients to and from treatments, especially when distance is more than what they consider acceptable.
* It's the lack of assistance when it comes to housing. How is a survivor of cancer supposed to attain housing after a diagnosis? Especially if they don't have family or friends to live with that can help them care for themselves. Without a support system, how are they supposed to cope? Emotionally, Physically and Mentally? The truth is, there is NO assistance for housing for these survivors, and even when there is (like section 8) there are extremely long waiting lists that are up to 10 years long. What are you supposed to do in the meantime?
* Survivors not only need to eat healthy, but they also need to live healthy. What this means is it's extremely important for these survivors to eat healthy, organic food that don't have chemicals. This means that "Cheap" food like boxed pastas, raviolis, boxed rice with spices, microwavable & frozen meals aren't the best choices. While they fact that they are cheaper than an organic chicken, these survivors tend to choose these very unhealthy options because they don't have the money to get the healthier options. What I have learned from my own experience is if it wasn't for my mom buying the organic meats (which you eat smaller portions of because it doesn't have chemicals & hormones in it, and you get full faster) & vegetables, I wouldn't be as healthy as I am. In addition, she buys the supplements and vitamins that help me stay on a healthy track. The fact is, most survivors may not have this help from a friend or family member and will be unable to afford this food, even if it is necessary to survivor & get healthy. I have many survivors that wish they could afford to eat healthier and can't. As well as survivors who don't have enough money to pay for meals for their family for the holidays. This is so unfortunate and such a HUGE need, that is not being filled like it should.
- The truth is, that the list of needs for cancer survivors & their families goes on, and I can't get through all of it, but wanted to give you some of the basics. What I try to do, is explain to others what problems survivors and their families experience due to this HUGE threatening disease.
But the fact remains that while these needs are not completely offered or offered at all, people who haven't experienced cancer have no idea what we go through and why we are unable to afford their specialty services. Ok what am I talking about right? I have recently met a lot of people with businesses that aid people with health & wellness. The common reaction that I get from them is that if a cancer survivor NEEDS something they will find any means possible to pay for it. But the truth is that while these people may think that a patient's/survivor's Priority One should be their product or service, they need to understand that the Survivor/patient more than likely has other issues that are more important. I'll give you some examples.
1) I met a Naturopathic doctor who offered treatments of high dose vitamin D, that could be used with traditional Western Medicine. The treatments alone that he offered cost $5,000! When I expressed my concern and told him that most cancer survivors wouldn't be able to afford the cost of his treatment, he said "It's for their health and they will find any means necessary to pay for it." I can't even begin to tell you how disgusted I was with this doctor, and it didn't matter what I said to him, he just wouldn't listen. He insisted that people would pay for it.
2) I met someone who ran a health and wellness business who told me that because it was important for survivors to care for their health, that their products were important for cancer survivors to take. Their products included vitamins, nutritional supplements & replacements, and chemical free products for the home. It didn't matter what they told me to try and convince me that it should be Priority One for a survivor of cancer. The products alone that I would need for a month would cost me $511! This includes everything from vitamins/supplements, shampoo. conditioner, tooth paste, house cleaning products, laundry detergent, nutritional shakes & meal replacement bars, and to boost my confidence, some lip gloss. That's a lot of money for products for one month! How is a cancer survivor supposed to afford this and their treatment costs, transportation costs, living expenses, food and other bills?
There are more stories I could tell you, but I am sure you get the gist of what I am talking about. So Priority One for a survivor of cancer is their health. And they may need to consult many medical professionals before they decide what to do next as their plan of attack on their disease. For me, it was the Western Medicine (conventional treatment) and that was my only option. And while I am cancer free now, and have been for 3 years... I still have yet to reach my complete remission date which will be on April 30th, 2013. At that time, my cancer is less likely to return, until then.... I'm not completely safe. I am trying to do all I can, but the fact still remains that the side effects I have from the treatments are causing more problems than I can financially afford. All of which bring me to the decision that I am at now, how do I choose my Priority One? How does anyone? My options are:
a) Get 3 dental implants to replace the molars that were extracted because they were damaged and deteriorating as a result of my extreme treatments. As well as getting my other teeth repaired. each dental implant costs $2,000 to $3,000 each at a dental school, not including sedation, which is $330. And the remaining dental work would cost another $8,000 to $10,000.
b) Get a total of 78 chiropractic treatments over the next 8 months for my herniated discs & degenerative disc disease which is severe in my low back as a result of treatments. The cost for this is $5581.
Both of these are extremely important, but cost is an issue in both. How is one supposed to choose between the two? Especially when money is such an issue?
The key is to look into all of your options, if you are able to, try and have a fundraiser for yourself to raise the money for a particular treatment. Otherwise, check and see if you are able to find any doctor that is willing to work with you. I know that I can admit that my credit sucks as result of all the medical issues I have had and have been unable to pay for. And while I am unable to pay them, I am forced to look ahead instead of at the past and try and find a way to deal with the current issues. We can only do as much as we can. Take it one moment at a time and stay positive.
The biggest thing to keep in mind is this: "You should be thankful that you are ALIVE!" Not everyone beats this disease and while that is a sad fact of this disease, the fact remains that YOU are here now and MUST take care of yourself NOW and for the future. You can only do what you can do. :0)