It was really a bit of a coincidence that I met him. I had been going to a great networking group for a few months and met a woman named Mary Victoria, who I became friends with and who in turn referred many cancer survivors my way so I could help them any way I could. She eventually introduced me to her husband's side of the family and told me about Edward, who had been fighting Glioblastoma for several years. He was going through so much as a result of his treatments & the side effects that he had from the disease. As I spoke to Edward's mom, I told her a little about UCAAN and my story. She in turn told me about Edward and his situation. It's always hard for me to hear cancer stories, especially when it's someone so close in age to me. At the time he was 32. So, I invited them to attend the UCAAN Ultimate Experience event at the Canyon Club and told them that I had survivor tickets for them.

*This is a picture of Edward & his family with my friend Miriam who also lost her husband to cancer.*
I wish that I had more time to get to know and talk to Edward that night, but I could see the joy and the smile on his face that told me he was having a great night. As time passed, I was unable to talk to the family on a regular basis and in January 2011, the Glioblastoma had returned with a vengeance. Edward was back to doing treatments again and his situation was worsening. When I heard from Mary about his condition, I made him a plaque with his favorite character on it - Spongebob!

*This is the Plaque Made Just for Edward, and was given to him for his 33rd birthday on 3/27/11.*

*This is the reverse side of the plaque*
On 3/31/11 Edward passed away with friends and family by his side. They say he was smiling. They also say that he loved the plaque, which is awesome that I was able to give him something before his passing to let him know I was there for him too. So, on Saturday April 9th, 2011 I went to the memorial/celebration of Edward's life. The service was gorgeous, and it really hit me hard - the entire experience. I was having a lot of flashbacks about my own cancer experience and dreams that I had while I was in my drug induced coma- all of this brought me to tears.
After the memorial, I went to the reception, which was at Mary Victoria's home to celebrate Edward's life with his family & friends. The day ended up being exceptional as I listened to the amazing stories about Edward, how he was philosophical, what an exceptional writer he was, how he had so much passion and helped others, and how he never allowed material things and money to be priority one in his life. He was an amazing young man and we lost him far too soon. The friends and family of Edward filled the house with laughter and so much love. I wished that I had more chances to get to know him, but I know that he left a lasting impact in the lives of others he touched. Before I left that day, I gave gifts to the family members I knew: Mary V, Stella (Edward's mom) & Lina (Edward's Grandma). The gifts were handmade by me - all unique candle holders with Edward's name on them. I know that they appreciated them and I am do glad that I was able to meet Edward, his family & friends, celebrate his life with those that loved him most and hear stories of what a wonderful man he was.

*Lina, Mary & Stella chose their candle holders*

Sending Love up there to you Edward, we all miss you but you will never be forgotten, even by people who just met you - like me! Tell my dad I say hi!
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