Baton Rouge, Louisiana to Tampa Florida
Total miles: 715 miles, 12 hours total
These days seem to be getting shorter and shorter and the distances further and further. I feel some days that we've been driving for weeks and yet it's only been 5 days. Lol. This was the longest of all of our days of driving.
But on the lighter side of things, Sarah and I thoroughly enjoyed the sights and the journey - we crossed over through 4 states in about 2 hours - from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to Alabama to Mississippi to Florida. By the time we arrived in Florida we were beyond famished and it was 9:30pm- we still had much to do - eat and interview June.
Let me give you some information about June, the first person to donate to our first UCAAN event and who is also a HUGE supporter of UCAAN! In September 2009, we had our first ever date auction with celebrities and we were auctioning off dates with single men & women as well as time with celebrities. We were lucky enough to get some big names this year, which included: Kevin Sorbo, Dean Cain, Morgan Brittany, Maurice La Marche & Victoria Jackson. Somehow we got the word out there on ABC7's on the Red Carpet website and they did a small article online about it. Well, June who lives in Tampa saw a piece of that article on her Dean Cain Fan Club site - Zoomway! She was so excited that he had the possible chance of a date with Dean, that she couldn't refuse!
June ended up being our winner - at $1500! Her date would include lunch at Bocaccio's (An Italian restaurant on Westlake Lake in Westlake Village, CA). June, who was beyond excited when she heard the news couldn't believe she was the winner - but was beyond excited!!! Her time with Dean was 7 months later and from what she reported to us today she had the time of her life!! She flew in from Florida, stayed in the Ventura County Area and enjoyed lunch with Dean and a boat ride - as he drove her around in the boat supplied by Bocaccio's restaurant. June says it was a time to remember. And she has continued to support UCAAN by suggesting our cause to receive donations from her Dean Cain Zoomway club, that chooses a charity once a year to donate to for Dean's Birthday. Goooo June!!
Sarah and I had a BLAST with JUNE and enjoyed our time with her in Tampa. Thanks so much June for letting us stay the night!
Saturday May 14th, 2011 - "So We Meet Again!"
Tampa, Florida to Boca Raton, Fl Total Miles: 240
This was a beyond special day for me..... because I was seeing my aunt and uncle (on my father's side) for the first time in 25 years!! Avi is my father's brother, who live in Boca with his wife Rita. I had chills, as Sarah and I drove out to Boca, in addition I was dealing with a slight cold that I got from Arizona. :0( We were enjoying the drive..... until we hit the toll roads and the miles of bugs that flew into our window. When Sarah and I arrived at a gas station, our front window was covered in bugs who had committed suicide. But we weren't the only ones! In the gas station, there were 18 wheelers, SUVs, and compact cars all with the same issue - trying to get the bugs off their grills and their windows. WOW!
When we finally arrived in Boca, I was about ready to cry. I had lost my father when I was 3 to melanoma, and was about to see his brother, who I hadn't seen in too long. I remembered the photos and recalled how much they looked alike. As Sarah and I walked up to the door, we found Aunt Rita (a cute short lady) standing in the hall with Uncle Avi behind her. I embraced them, knowing I should have seen them sooner than this, but knowing that they loved me none-the-less.
The View from Uncle Avi's and Aunt Rita's was phenomenal! The Florida Beach was clear and crystal blue and the sand was white. Beautiful!! (The pictures will come later!) We spent time with them until we all went out to dinner and enjoyed some Cuban food with them and Rita's Nephew Drew & his wife Vicky. The food was amazing - I had never tasted anything so good. We all enjoyed the night and spent time with one another. It didn't hit me till later before I was going to bed - how much my father and Avi looked alike and how much he reminded me of him - my father was a great writer and a world traveler, and intelligent, funny man who didn't live long enough to see what I have made of myself today... I miss him so much. But I know he would be proud of where I am now. Spending time with his brother & Rita, enjoying the world and taking on cancer like I did. Thanks dad for your strength and passion for life that you have given to me!!
I hope to visit Avi & Rita again - maybe once or twice a year, because I feel like I have to make up for lost time & they my father's family!
Tomorrow's Teaser: We drive out to Jacksonville, Florida and meet a survivor named Jim, stay in Jacksonville and then head out the next morning for another long drive - this time out to North Carolina! Stay Tuned for More adventures with Rachel & Sarah!
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