This is why I came up with the option of creating "Boards of Love". Boards that the loved ones in your life would create and surround your room with them, in order to "Surround you with Love", so you would never feel alone. :) This is a creative project that anyone can help with, especially your scrap booking savvy friends!
Creating a "Board of Love" is easy and can be done by everyone in your family, your friends and your community.Everyone can work on one board, or each group of family members, friends and community groups can create one.
First, purchase your poster board or foam board - the 99 cents store and the Dollar tree are great for this. Next, come up with a theme, something inspirational or something that you know the person you're making it for will love. Try some of these themes:
* Favorite Memories (about Them) - include stories, photos, drawings, etc.
* Exciting Things To Experience (Make it fun)
* Places to visit
* Love from all of us - photos of your family, friends or cummity with inspiring words.
* Best Life Moments (Births, marriage, graduations, etc)
* Things I Love about YOU..... (Use drawings, magazine word cut outs, photos, words, etc to tell them what you love about them)
The ideas are endless and make sure when you're done with the board to share with your loved one what you put on them.and then put them all around their room, so even when you're not there, they will feel like you are and will be SURROUNDED WITH LOVE! Even making videos of love would work as well that you could upload to their phone or text to them. Sending video texts to them as well. You could even create a scrapbook of greeting cards signed by the ones that love your fighter.warrior.
Remember to make it Colorful, Inspiring and Filled with Love!
Here are samples of Boards you could create:
They'll Appreciate it More Than You Know!
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