As Sheryl & I enjoyed the delicious food and drinks at the event, we spent some time talking to people. Sheryl, who was beyond excited about me being in the local and recent 805 Living magazine in am article called "Voices of Survivors", which included the stories of 4 cancer survivor women who were doing amazing things- and I was one of them!!! :) So, as we sipped our hot tea and talked to one another, I overheard a conversation near me- two women younger than me that were raving about how an $80 a month gym membership wasn't bad at all. I thought to myself at that moment, $80 a month!?!? Sounds like my electricity, gas & internet bills all together. Lol. And for my fellow cancer survivors I know that this is a lot of money for all of us! I looked at Sheryl and said "I can't even afford the $37/month to get a gym membership for myself, let alone an $80 membership." She laughed, because she not only understood what I was talking about, but she also agreed.
Sheryl ended up getting a free sample of a fabulous gluten free cookie at the event and decided that she just had to buy one. As we walked to the front desk, and she asked about the price for the healthy cookie, meanwhile I was talking to the women behind the desk who were all eating the cookies! :) I looked ta them and said "Those cookies are good, but their sodium content is higher than what women can have in a day!" They looked at me shocked, as I continued to tell them that the suggested amount of sodium for women per day was 90mg. And the cookie they were enjoying was 150mg. I told one woman, you can eat half of that and almost reach your daily amount of sodium, her response? She put it down and continued to listen to a story her co-worker was sharing about her brother in law who loved Top Ramen. We all continued to talk and somewhere along the line, I decided to share my new found fame in the 805 Living magazine. I opened to page 67 and showed the women behind the desk. One woman, read the article and began to cry. I wasn't expecting that reaction and when I asked her why, she told me that her 3 year old niece has Leukemia and was getting treated in England, where she lived with her parents. I gave the woman my card and we exchanged information. I told her that I would make a little pink bracelet for her niece, because she is a survivor! :)
As Sheryl and I, with our cookies in hand walked out to the car I looked at Sheryl and said "I have the beading stuff here! I can make it now and get it to her." Sheryl agreed and I sat in my car and made the little bracelet. When I was done, I returned to the woman (Wendy was her name), and told her I had a gift for her. "Close your eyes." I told her, as I placed the newly made survivor hope bracelet into her hand. I had her close her eyes and again and I placed a pink necklace on her (that I made for someone), but it matched the bracelet and I felt that Wendy needed something to help keep her close to her niece. The look on her face when she got the gifts was beyond exceptional, and yes she started to cry again - tears of happiness!! She loved it!! Here is a picture of Wendy & I!

So, If you sport a UCAAN shirt, make sure to take pictures of you helping others! Because UCAAN Make a Difference! Even when you least expect it!
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