So on St Patrick's day, I dove in, and attended a St. Patrick's Luck Mixer. $20 got me in at a local sports bar that I frequented on Tuesday nights for karaoke. The set up for the mixer was simple. The ladies got a green coin, and the men had I think a gold one, and each of our coins had a number on them. We'd sit at a table and talk to 2 guys. And then they would match us with guys with the same coin number as ours, so we would have one on one time. That night, was a ton of fun! I didn't have any matches, but I did meet a new, cool friend- Mary. And I enjoyed some fabulous karaoke and rocked out to my favorite songs for my fellow friends that I met at the mixer. :)
My first official speed dating event, was on a Monday night (04/26/2010) at a local restaurant in Westlake Village- a fancy one too! I had signed up for the speed dating event for 30-45 yr olds and was looking forward to see who I would meet at the event. There ended up being 7 women and 6 men. The ladies sat at our designated table (we had name badges on with a number on it), and we would sit and wait for our date to come to our table. We all had little "cheat sheets" as I call them, where we would write the gentleman's name, the name tag #, details about them and if we felt they were a friend/business match, or a dating match. Every six minutes, the man we were talking to would switch and move on to the next woman, and each of us would have a new man to talk to. That night, I had the chance to get to know 6 eligible bachelors: Steven, Michael, Ramon, Brad, Ray, & Phil. All of the guys had very different personalities. I noticed that these men, asked me questions, which was nice - because I wasn;t the only one asking the questions. I didn;t have a match, but I did get some great new friends and was looking forward to my next event!!
My most recent speed dating event was on Monday 05/17/2010 in Camarillo at a very nice restaurant that I had always referred clients to, but had never been to myself. I was able to convince one of my great friends Brianne to come along with me to join in on the adventure. As Brianne and I sat waiting for the event to start, I noticed a fabulous bald man come in the restaurant. Brianne, saw the look on my face and laughed. She knew that all I was thinking about was this - bald man. :) Lol. This event, was a small one as well, an the age range was 25-34. There were 6 women and 6 men. The guys I met this night included a repeat attendee: Ramon. And 5 other available bachelors including: John, Joel, Tom, Brian & Kurt. All of the men were extremely nice, but I did notice a difference with this group - these guys didn't ask the questions until I asked them what they wanted to know. Hmmmm Interesting! One of the guys in the group was 37 and I was surprised that he didn't ask me more questions. All in all, Brianne and I had a great time talking to the guys and getting to know them and although we didn't have matches, we thoroughly enjoyed the late night snack we had at Carrows as we discussed the evenings' men. :) Brianne and I are looking forward to the next event! Speed Dating.... Here I COME!! :)

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