Friday, June 26, 2009

Life is too short - Live it up!

With the recent passing of the king of pop Michael Jackson, yesterday and sex symbol & actress Farrah Fawcett, as well as Ed McMahon most of us are coming to realize that life truly is too short. MJ was only 51 and died from a hear attack, Farrah was 41 and battled cancer, Ed passed on in his sleep due to numerous health problems. These recent deaths have affected our country in a huge way, the king of pop was an American Icon, Farrah was the first Charlie's Angel, Ed is well known for his work with Johnny Carson. It's not just the recent deaths than we notice, it's also the alarming number of people who are diagnosed with cancer, people we know, children we meet, and stars we love; like Christina Applegate, Patrick Swayze, Sheryl Crow, Fran Drescher, Kylie Minogue, Leona Lewis, and Kathy Bates to name a few. Cancer doesn't discriminate, it doesn't matter how old or young you are, whether you are famous or poor, cancer can strike at any time. During times like these, we try to stay positive, even when we find out that these beloved stars like Farrah, Ed & Michael have passed on. We must keep in mind, that we only have this one life, these moments are precious and sacred. Life is too short, and we need to live it up!

I send love to the families of these fallen well known favorites. I want everyone to take a momnet to ask themselves: " Am I living my life to the fullest? Am I doing the things I love to do? Am I inspiring people anyway I can?" I was given a second chance at life, perhaps a 3rd chance if you consider my stem cell transplant as a rebirth - like many do. I am living my life to the fullest, working on the things I love most, surrounding myself with the people who bring me positivity, serenity and laughter, and inspiring others along the way. I know this is a lot to think about, our present, the future and how our lives can change in a moment, and we can't control it, we can only find a way to work with it, and help others along the way and just live. My favorite saying is "Fight 2 Live". Because after cancer rocked my world, it changed my life and impacted my life in such a way that I finally saw, what was really important, what I really needed to survive and strive. I surrounded myself with people who brought joy in my life and got rid of the negative energy that was devouring me.

Like Nike says "Just Do It". No excuses, nothing is holding you back but yourself. LIVE!!!

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