Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A Special Thank You

When I think about the overall success of this trip I am reminded of my first trip back in 2011. Here's a little background on it. My former assistant Sarah and I had everything planned, 16 cancer hospitals, driving through 25 states in 21 days. Some of those drives were tedious, stretching as long as 12 hours, but we persevered with our sense of humor and love for life and adventure. Now, as we were driving, hospitals we had previously scheduled, were cancelling, not because of us but because of other priorities, HIPPA laws and natural emergencies. We were driving across country in May, at the same time of the year when that man had projected the end of the world on May 21st, 2011. The natural disasters included floods of the Colorado River into New Orleans and tornadoes in Joplin, MS and Nebraska. Despite all of this, even with 12 hospitals unable to accommodate us, we still survived and made the trip an amazing one. We visited 4 of the best cancer hospitals and got some great footage. We made it work no matter what.

So, why am I bringing this up to you? I bring this up because when I first planned this trip, I had 22 hospitals and organizations confirmed and so far, even with a bit of a rocky start, we still have a HUGE impact to make. We are meeting 10 of our patients on this trip for the first time, we are finally visiting Moffit Cancer center in Tampa (after our 2011 trip didn't work), we are meeting with a few small cancer organizations including one in Gainesville, Florida that's run by a husband and wife team that focuses on the needs of patients and has raised over $1.7 million in 10 years. We are visiting the first hospital to offer proton therapy in the country, one that has one of the largest Proton Therapy machines nationwide, in addition to being on a local radio station and Morning show on TV in Jacksonville. We are ding all we can to raise awareness about the needs of cancer patients and we honestly couldn't have done all this WITHOUT YOU!

We want all of our supporters to know how much we greatly appreciate your support and how your donation IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE!

Thank you again to all of our amazing Sponsors.

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