Wednesday, June 29, 2016

UCAAN Change a Life Road Trip - Day 12 - Monday June 27th, 2016

Part 3

It’s a brand new day and we’re gearing up for some new exciting adventures! Today Doryn and I are heading out to the Jacob Javitz Convention center to attend the Summer Fancy Food Show, the show that Research and Development Chef Andrew Hunter suggested I attend when I met him through last year’s CBS news Segment about our ice cream (now frozen dessert!). Doryn and I got up and had our delicious Pig Heaven left overs, it was just as good as the first night we had it!! Let me tell you folks, there’s nothing like New York Chinese food, it’s a whole other animal in itself. 

Next up, was the Fancy Food Show, our goal for the show was to connect with various exhibitors to check out our competition in the frozen dessert/ice cream world, the see what’s new and popular, to connect with wholesalers to get supplies for our desserts including extracts, oils, spices, etc., to meet with packaging and labeling companies and to really learn the benefits of attending a show and participating in one. We hope to make some wonderful connections, especially with companies who want to help us grow! 

Doryn and I took a taxi cab out to the show first, it wasn’t close enough for us to walk it and it would have taken way too many buses to get there. The ride there was nice, they took us through central park and to the center. Boy was it ever packed there!! We went to registration to get our badges and went to the show. We tried tons of delicious goat cheese (my fave), olive oils and spices. We checked out the competition, which wasn’t too crazy, which is great for us!! We were walking the show for 3.5 hours, making connections along the way and sharing with people why we were there – for UCAAN, sharing our messages with them. We met several people who had family and friends with cancer and we passed the info onto them. 

Doryn and I left the show at 3:30 and went out to get an Uber back. We walked further down the street to find a good place for them to pick us up because the Javitz center was packed with tourist buses and taxis. We called an Uber and hitched a ride back to the house, we were beyond exhausted! It’s amazing how an event like that can take so much energy out of you. When we got back, we saw Auntie and she suggested we stay and order in. She ordered us Heros, which is the NY version of an amazingly hot sub sandwich and it usually comes with meat or some type of vegetable like eggplant, marinara sauce and cheese on a large roll! While we waited for the heros, Doryn and I walked across the street to get Auntie some chicken and rice soup, so she could give her little doggies the chicken and some broccoli in garlic sauce for all of us to enjoy. We all just hung out and talked until we went to bed. 

Part 4 is coming up soon. We hope you’re enjoying following us on this trip.

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