Thursday, July 14, 2016

UCAAN Change a Life Road Trip - Day #28 - July 13th, 2016

 Day #28 – Wednesday July 13th, 2016 – Baton Rouge, LA to Granbury, TX

We left earlier than normal today so we’d have enough time to drive to Lafayette, LA and enjoy the 18 mile Atchafalaya Bridge between Baton Rouge and Lafayette; plus we had a long drive ahead of us to get to Granbury Texas, our next stop! The drive started out nice and then we hit some rain, it was one of those on again off again showers, sometimes it hit us hard and other times it was light. It was a nice drive to Granbury, with a few stops on the way. One at a gas station that had a LIVE Tiger. Tony the tiger at this stop unfortunately lived in the lap of luxury and had an air conditioned spot. When we arrived, like the other people who saw the huge billboards did, we expected to see this remarkable tiger, however he was sleeping after his early meal in his comfy outdoor house with AC. Lol. We stopped at Walmart to get some fruit since we were out for the trip. I was thankful to find my cherry plums – delish! Some cucumbers, cherries, grapes and some water.

The drive was long, but the best part was our drive over the Atchafalaya Bridge, this 20-mile bridge over the swamps of Louisiana was gorgeous, it was an experience that I had many years ago on my first cross country trip that I never did forget. There we were on the long two lane bridge and across from us on another bridge was our cross traffic. Trucks on the right and cars on the left, trees and water surrounded our bridge, the swamp water was low this time and the view breathtaking and still just as unforgettable as the first time. We wondered as we crossed how such a long bridge would have been constructed, especially with the crocodile filled waters (possibly). It was wonderful thinking about this and how much the trip over the bridge brought us joy, our eyes wide open for every sight and piece of beauty. Loved it! If you’ve never driven this, I highly suggest a trip just to experience this bridge. (Just Remember: the bridge is off the 10 Freeway between Baton Rouge and Lafayette)

Doryn and I love our daily drives, we consider them to be our daily adventures because you never know who you’ll meet. At one point, we stopped at a gas station to switch drivers and get some gas. I walked inside and as I did I saw a few young girls sitting at a lemonade stand outside the station with their moms. I heard their call to passerby’s “Lemonade for the Dallas Police”. I knew I didn’t have cash to give them, but I wanted to help these young girls with their dedication and help to do something for others, I wanted to help them give back. So I went back to the car to grab a few things – 3 handmade mini bags, a few glow bracelets and 1 share the hope UCAAN Bracelet. I walked up to them and asked the moms what their goal was, one of the moms told me that they wanted to help the families of the Dallas police that lost their lives. I told them that I didn’t have money but wanted to help them give back, so I handed them the handmade bracelet and the mini bags and told them to sell them for donations and then I gave each of them one of our UCAAN Glow bracelets and their moms too! They all thanked me and were grateful. I was so glad that I could help in some way. 

The rest of the drive to Texas seemed like forever as we approached some traffic at about 5:30pm. We had been on the road since 8:30 in the morning and were ready to be there! We continued on the road an when we saw the 377 for Granbury, we were thrilled. We were so close and ready to be there!! We drove through some more gorgeous scenery an soon saw the Welcome to Granbury sign. We had arrived!! We drove to Downtown Granbury, which resembled a small town and soon found ourselves at Granbury Gardens, a beautiful Bed and Breakfast owned by my friends Carol & Dave Gerke; the inn keepers of awesomeness. The plan was to go to dinner at a local place, we got in their car and headed to Cotton Patch for dinner. It was a delicious one, with lots of food – MAN!! Restaurants in Texas sure do serve HUGE plates of food!! But it was delicious indeed. 
Welcome to Granbury Gardens!!!

 After dinner we headed back to the house and brought our things in and got ready for bed. Doryn and I opted to enjoy some time in the hot tub before bed. It was nice being in the backyard, under the moonlight in a nice hot tub nestled in what looked like a Japanese house, with sliding doors/large windows. After we headed to bed. I must say that this is the BEST bed we’ve slept in this entire trip and the sheets…ooooh the sheets - Remarkable! I’m loving it! Looking forward to see what tomorrow brings us for our 2nd day in Granbury!  Thank you Dave & Carol for the Hospitality!!

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